A voice for communication impact: Media Training for Africa’s Young Innovators for Health

The Africa Young Innovators for Health Program embarked on a transformative journey. With Joyce Wanja Muraya at the helm, in partnership with Speak Up Africa, the program’s goal was clear: to empower our young health innovators with the skills needed to effectively engage with the media. This wasn’t just about teaching techniques—it was about amplifying their voices and ensuring their groundbreaking health innovations reached every corner of public awareness.

Participants dove into a dynamic training schedule that covered everything from understanding the media landscape in Nigeria and Uganda to crafting compelling stories that capture public interest. They learned how to highlight the newsworthy aspects of their innovations, write opinion pieces that establish them as thought leaders, and handle media interviews with confidence. Practical exercises, such as role-playing and case studies, turned theoretical knowledge into tangible skills. One of the most enlightening sessions was on managing hostile media coverage, equipping participants with strategies to navigate and mitigate negative press effectively.

Joyce Wanja Muraya encapsulated the essence of the training when she said,  “Effective communication is at the heart of driving innovation. By mastering storytelling and media engagement, young innovators can amplify their impact and bring their groundbreaking solutions to public awareness. When these innovators take charge of telling their own stories, they become passionate narrators who infuse their drive for change into every word. By owning their narratives; they inspire us all to look within our communities and champion solutions that foster progress and improvement.”

As the training concluded, the participants didn’t just leave with new skills; they left with a renewed sense of purpose and a strong network of industry leaders, mentors, and peers. The foundation has been set for these innovators to build and maintain productive relationships with the media, ensuring their health solutions continue to inspire and drive change across Africa.